"Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I will learn."  - Xun Kuang

Virtual Instructor Led Training

I designed and developed a vILT course for CNJ Technology as part of a blended learning experience for their hiring committee.

View the various project components below.

Problem:  CNJ Technology has seen a 40% decrease in hiring the best candidates.  The company needs to hire 2000 new members for the technical team this year.  A new hiring procedure has been implemented.  The hiring committee needs to work together during the virtual interviews to hire the best candidate for the position.

Solution:  The purpose of this training is to develop relent questions for the interview and use best practices when conducting virtual interviews.

Highlights: Breakout sessions for small group working session and mock interview, Padlet for discussions, Posting in chat for discussions, and Participant Guide

Tools: PowerPoint, Canva

About the Project:

The Virtual Instructor Led Training course was created to showcase a blended learning experience. This course is part of the new hiring procedure that has been implemented for the company. The Recruiting New Hires eLearning course is a prerequisite.  A design document was created with an overview of the course. Once approved, I designed and developed the PowerPoint, Facilitator Guide, and Participant Guide.  The purpose of this training is to develop relevant questions for the interview and use best practices when conducting virtual interviews.

Business Goal:   Hiring the best candidates will increase by 20% over the next year as the hiring committee will develop relevant interview questions and use best practices when conducting virtual interviews. 

Select the images below to view the documents.

Design Document

PowerPoint Slide Deck

Facilitator's Guide

Participant's Guide